WPA Madrid - September 2014 - 3


Dr. Mvuyiso Talatala (SASOP President) with delegates from WPA Zone 14: Dr. Fred Kigosi (Uganda).
Prof. David Ndetei (Kenia) and Dr. Margaret Mungherera (Uganda), during the World Psychiatric Congress Madrid 14-18 September 2014


Dr. Mvuyiso Talatala (SASOP President) at the recent WPA elections during the World Psychiatric Congress Madrid 14-18 September 2014


Dr. Gerhard Grobler (SASOP immediate past-president) and Dr. Mvuyiso Talatala (SASOP President)
with delegates from WPA Zones 11 and 14, during the World Psychiatric Congress Madrid 14-18 September 2014


Recently elected WPA President-Elect Prof. Helen Herrman (Australia) and WPA
Secretary for Finances Prof. Armen Soghoyan (Armenia) during the World Psychiatric Congress Madrid 14-18 September 2014

Conference Secretariat: Scatterlings Conference & Events 





International Delegate Coordinator

Carina du Plessis


Abstract/ Poster Coordination

Simone Solomons


South African Delegate Coordinator

Stephanie de Boer


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