
Welcome message from Dinesh Bhugra CBE,
WPA President

president wpa

It is a great honour and pleasure to welcome you to Cape Town for the WPA International Congress with the theme "Psychiatry: integrative care for the community" hosted by the South African Society of Psychiatrists. It is the first time that a WPA International Congress is being held in South Africa.

Psychiatry is the most complex, intellectually stimulating and rewarding medical speciality. The social and economic burden resulting from mental illnesses is more than that of cancer and cardiac disorders, and the inter-relationship between physical and psychiatric disorders is often ignored. Public mental health can enable us to serve our patients and their carers better, as well as the larger society. The challenges of integrating primary and secondary care... READ MORE


Welcome message from Mvuyiso Talatala,
SASOP President

drtatalaColleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the South African Society of Psychiatrists, it is my greatest honour to invite you to the World Psychiatry Association International Congress that is to be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 18 to 20 November 2016.

From at least 1652, Cape Town, as a venue, has been able to attract visitors from all over the world. At some stage during the era of the Dutch East India Company, it was used by the sailors from Europe to India as a refreshment station. Today Cape Town is a beautiful city characterised by Table Mountain, Robben Island and its population that is representative of the South African Rainbow Nation...  READ MORE


WPA 2016 Conference

Confirmed Sponsors

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Conference Secretariat: Scatterlings Conference & Events 





International Delegate Coordinator

Carina du Plessis


Abstract/ Poster Coordination

Simone Solomons


South African Delegate Coordinator

Stephanie de Boer


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