Session & Abstract Submission Information

submit- abstractIntroduction

The WPA 2016 Programme Committee hereby invites groups and individuals to submit proposals of sessions (i.e. Sectional Symposia, Zonal Symposia, Regular Symposia and Workshops) for the scientific programme of the World Psychiatric Association's International Congress (WPA 2016 –, to be held from 18 – 22 November 2016 in Cape Town, South Africa.


session topics
howto abstract
howto proposal

All proposals must be submitted via the online submission form at .
The information you will be required to fill in pertains to:

NOTE: During the first submission phase, it is not a requirement to include all abstracts for your symposium. You will however be required to submit the abstracts once your symposium proposal has been accepted for inclusion in the programme.

  • Session Info
    • Session Description (topic, classification & content)
    • Session Proposer & Chair(s)
  • Individual abstracts for Presentations & Speakers included in the session
    • Presentation & Speaker 1
    • Presentation & Speaker 2
    • Presentation & Speaker X

All proposals must adhere to the following requirements:

  • The proposer of a session is responsible for coordinating the session, to liaise with speakers and then to submit the proposal.
  • The proposer must be a speaker in the session and/or act as chair of the session.
  • The chair and/or co-chair must give a 5 min (max) pre-amble at the start of the session, and conclude at the end of the session.
  • All speakers must have agreed to the proposal, their indicated roles and their participation, and must also have confirmed availability and their intention to register, attend and present at WPA 2016.
  • Where possible, the session speakers should represent a sound global geographical spread, and from different institutions.
  • All speakers should declare any conflict of interest.

Please note that, if deemed necessary and in the best interest of the congress, the WPA 2016 Programme Committee reserves the right to:

  • accept or decline any proposal.
  • include proposals in the scientific programme as submitted, or to amend, combine, or change proposals in any way deemed necessary (including presentations and/or speakers).


Proposal Types & Submission Process

The WPA 2016 Scientific Programme excludes pre-congress satellites that are organised independently by various societies and other groups.
The programme runs from Friday 18 November 2016 until Tuesday 22 November 2016. In addition, paid breakfast, lunch and late afternoon symposia will be held, as well as "meet the expert" breakfast sessions and business meetings as required. These meetings, however, will be arranged through a separate application process.
A proposer (i.e. the chair) must submit a proposal for a session in the programme online. Any of the following types of session proposals can be made:

  • Sectional Symposium

Duration = 90 min.

Proposal to be submitted on behalf of a WPA Section. Joint proposals may be accepted and must be indicated on the session proposal submission form.
Up to 5 presentations may be included in a Sectional Symposium

  • Zonal Symposium

Duration = 90 min.

Proposal to be submitted on behalf of a WPA Zone.
Up to 5 presentations may be included in a Zonal Symposium

  • Regular Symposium

This is a symposium that is NOT submitted on behalf of a WPA Section or Zone.

Duration: 90 Minutes
Up to 5 presentations may be included in a Regular Symposium.

  • Workshops

Flexible duration – please indicate preferred duration on the application form.

Workshops may or may not be included in the registration fee.

Workshops may run on the day prior to the start of WPA 2016 or may be accommodated during the Congress programme.

For all submissions the process will be as in the schema below, first filling in the session information (collectively) – then saving this information - and then filling in the respective sets of presentation & speaker information (individual abstracts).
















 The system will allow as many sets needed for entering presentation abstracts (a maximum of 5 presentations will be allowed).

Once you have completed and submitted your proposal, you will receive an e-mail with a reference number to confirm your successful submission, including the information as submitted.  Please note the deadline for submissions on 15 May 2016.

submit- abstractProposers will be notified of the decision of the WPA 2016 Programme Committee by 20 June 2016.  The WPA 2016 Scientific Programme will be published by 30 June 2016.

The system will allow as many sets needed for entering presentation abstracts (a maximum of 5 presentations will be allowed).
Once you have completed and submitted your proposal, you will receive an e-mail with a reference number to confirm your successful submission, including the information as submitted. Please note the deadline for submissions is 15 May 2016.



Conference Secretariat: Scatterlings Conference & Events 





International Delegate Coordinator

Carina du Plessis


Abstract/ Poster Coordination

Simone Solomons


South African Delegate Coordinator

Stephanie de Boer


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