Confirmed Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Dr Reddy's Laboratories (Pty) Ltd



Gold Sponsors

National Research Foundation


Silver Sponsors

Janssen Pharmaceutica

Janssen Logo Edited






Copper Sponsors

Akeso Hospitals
 Akeso BHC Logo xtrasml

Akeso, South Africa’s market leader in Behavioural Health services offering psychiatric and substance abuse treatment,
is committed to measuring and improving quality of care. At 13 Akeso sites through SA, teams of mental health professionals
work together to provide patient-centred, specialised inpatient and outpatient treatment to adolescents,adults and elderly patients.

Conference Secretariat: Scatterlings Conference & Events 





International Delegate Coordinator

Carina du Plessis


Abstract/ Poster Coordination

Simone Solomons


South African Delegate Coordinator

Stephanie de Boer


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