Florence Baingana (Uganda)


Dr Florence Baingana is a Research Fellow with the Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, obtained a MBChB (1983), MMed(Psychiatry) 1990 and  MSc (Health Policy, Planning and Financing) 2010. She has worked for over ten years in mental health policy and planning, including four years as the National Mental Health Coordinator with the Ministry of Health of Uganda (1996-2000) - where she also developed standards and guidelines for mental health care and got mental health included as a component of the Uganda Minimum Health Care Package in the Health Policy and the Health Sector Strategic Plan. In 2000, Dr. Baingana joined the World Bank in Washington DC, seconded by the Mac Arthur Foundation, US Center for Mental Health Services and National Institute of Mental Health. She returned to Uganda in 2007 and continued her work as researcher, including with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the London School of Economics and Political Science, as part of a Wellcome Trust Fellowship 2009-2012. In this time she e.g. evaluated the Ministry of Health Northern Uganda Mental Health program (2010), and the UNHCR supported HealthNet mental health programs for refugee populations in Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania (Nov/Dec 2011). She is also: member of the Finance Committee of the World Psychiatric Association; member of the Advisory Committee of the Children and War Foundation, Chair TPO-Uganda; Editor for Interventions; and Chair of the Consortium Advisory Group of the DFID funded PRIME project (2011-2016).

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Carina du Plessis


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Simone Solomons


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Stephanie de Boer


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